OK?you don?t want to be in the Cancer Club as my husband now is, but I have to tell you, the members are just about the NICEST people I have ever met. ?It is a unique club that draws many people from all walks of life, all political backgrounds etc. together. ?I am not a member ? I am just on the sideline observing and it is fascinating to watch. ?You have no idea how many people who have had cancer ?have contacted my husband ? some we barely have known (or not known at all) but who picked up the phone to just call or send an email to him. ?It is almost like an underground organization of members consumed with deep care and empathy and the club members have conversations the rest of us non members just can?t have. ?The touch is a light one ? often just a hello and a ?it really sucks, but you will get through it? is a common one and a welcome one.
You might find this odd but I think the whole experience ? which we will get through and which has a good prognosis at the end ? also makes me better at my work. ?(That does not mean I want to go through this ?I feel terrible for my husband.)
It?never hurts for a journalist to be reminded what people go through every day. ?As a practicing lawyer for 12 plus years I represented only very poor poor people really down on their luck and I have never forgotten it and always hoped that it made me a better journalist. ? This experience, as rotten as it is, should make me better at my work, too.
Now for some humor?..everyone asks my husband if there is anything he or she can do and my husband has mentioned that our basement needs cleaning as does our garage. ?Of course he is kidding but it lightens things.
And again, my husband has a great prognosis and my heart bleeds for the less fortunate. ?We are lucky.
PS ? I don?t want to short sheet those who have called or emailed who are not officially in the Cancer Club. ?They have meant so much to us, too?..each one of them.
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